83 research outputs found

    Developing indicators for environmental, social and economic sustainability

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    Powerpointpresentatie over het ontwikkelen van indicatoren voor milieu-, sociale en en economische duurzaamhei

    Sunflower Silage for Steers Smutted Corn Silage for Cows

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    This bulletin includes the results of two experiments in feeding cattle as follows: Part I Sunflower Silage for Steers. Part II Corn Smut Silage for Pregnant Cows

    Ex Ante Impact Assessment of Policies Affecting Land Use, Part B: Application of the Analytical Framework

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    The use of science-based tools for impact assessment has increasingly gained focus in addressing the complexity of interactions between environment, society, and economy. For integrated assessment of policies affecting land use, an analytical framework was developed. The aim of our work was to apply the analytical framework for specific scenario cases and in combination with quantitative and qualitative application methods. The analytical framework was tested for two cases involving the ex ante impact assessment of: (1) a European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) financial reform scenario employing a modeling approach and combined with a comprehensive indicator analysis and valuation; and (2) a regional bioenergy policy scenario, employing a fully participatory approach. The results showed that European land use in general is less sensitive to changes in the Common Agricultural Policy, but in the context of regions there can be significant impacts on the functions of land use. In general, the implementation of the analytical framework for impact assessment proved to be doable with both methods, i.e., with the quantitative modeling and with the qualitative participatory approach. A key advantage of using the system of linked quantitative models is that it makes possible the simultaneous consideration of all relevant sectors of the economy without abstaining from a great level of detail for sectors of particular interest. Other advantages lie in the incontestable character of the results. Based on neutral, existing data with a fixed set of settings and regions, an absolute comparability and reproducibility throughout Europe can be maintained. Analyzing the pros and cons of both approaches showed that they could be used complementarily rather than be seen as competing alternatives

    Financiering van landschap : notitie bij enkele rapporten over het thema

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    Recentelijk zijn enkele rapporten verschenen waarin mogelijkheden en beperkingen voor de financiering van het Nederlandse landschap de revue passeren: van het bureau Berenschot (2008, 2009), van NovioConsult en Triple E (McCarthy et al. 2009), en van het LEI (Overbeek & De Graaff 2009). Deze notitie is bedoeld om deze mogelijkheden te structureren en er enige kanttekeningen bij te maken. Hierbij is ook gebruik gemaakt van andere recente literatuur over het thema financiering van landschap

    Landbouw of landschap? Ontwikkeling van grondgebruik in twee gebieden in Friesland

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    Wonseradeel-Noord en Twijzel-Buitenpost, twee agrarische gebieden in Friesland, kunnen als voorbeeld dienen voor het drielagenmodel van Minister Veerman. Het ene gebied heeft kansen voor agrarische productie voor de wereldmarkt en het andere is door natuurlijke handicaps aan beperkingen gebonden. Dit artikel brengt de ontwikkelingen en perspectieven in beeld

    Forage Crops for Lambs

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    The object of the experiment was to ascertain the value of different forage crops for the Iamb in the fall of the year when the pasture grasses become partially dried and the ewes lessen in their feed for the Iamb. The condition of the Iamb at marketing time is governed chiefly by the kind of feed it and its dam have received since birth of lamb, and anything that can be done to increase its growth and condition must be considered an advantage. We consider it a good practice to wean the spring Iamb in early fall when pastures begin to dry up so the ewe will have time to build up before cold weather

    Improving Winter Rations for Pigs

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    An efficient winter ration for fall pigs is one which supplies not only the essential nutrients of a balanced ration but which also furnishes adequately those energizing elements which are obtained so abundantly, even if incidentally, from direct sunlight and succulent pasture during the summer months. The standard ration of yellow corn and tankage is not a very efficient winter ration for fall pigs because these feeds do not supply sufficiently the vitamins which are so necessary for satisfactory growth and development. Fortunately, this practical and popular ration may be easily improved by the addition of alfalfa hay and linseed meal, or buttermilk

    Potatoes as a Feed for Fattening Pigs

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    Many farmers of South Dakota who engage in the production of potatoes as a cash or market crop oftentimes have large quantities of cull or unmarketable potatoes at their disposal. In such cases much interest is manifested in the value of potatoes as a feed for livestock. Although potatoes have often been used for such purposes, very little experimental data is available for showing the feeding value of potatoes or the best method of utilizing them in rations for farm animals. In the early studies made to determine the feeding value of potatoes, no mention is made of the use of any protein supplement and since the use of tankage or some other protein supplement is considered necessary in the use of carbohydrate feeds for hogs in order to secure maximum gains in weight as well as economy of production, these earlier trials do not always answer all questions raised by hog growers. In order to obtain further information on the value of potatoes as a feed for growing and fattening pigs, four trials have been conducted since May 18, 1923, which are reported in this bulleti

    Veranderende ruimteclaims voor natuurtypen : consequenties van demografische en culturele scenario's in beleidsvarianten

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    De vraag naar recreatie in kaart, aan de hand van gegevens rond: veranderende bevolkingssamenstelling; wensen voor inrichting van gebieden; waardering van het landschap; natuurbeleving. Onderzoek door LEI en Alterra in opdracht van Natuurplanburea

    Integration of small area estimation and mapping techniques; Tool for Regional Studies

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    Research projects are increasingly aimed at specific regions. A tool for statistics for regional studies was developed to combine all available information from the agricultural census and the Farm Accountancy Data Network. In this report a description is given of the development of methods and tools to display small area estimates in maps
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